"Evangelization is a process of bringing the gospel to people where they are,
not where you would like them to be...When the gospel reaches a people where they are,
their response to the gospel is the church in a new place..."
-Vincent Donovan
Some days here in Japan I wonder what the heck I'm doing. Who's brilliant idea was it to come live in a foreign country where I don't speak the language and try to share a God in whom they are almost completely disinterested? Why am I here? Am I really accomplishing anything worth while with my life for the kingdom?
And then God answers with something like this.
Bring the gospel to where people are at.
Don't sit around waiting for them to come to the gospel. What kind of "Great" commission would it be if we just waited for people to come to us? Where would the faith, the sanctification, the trial and persecution, the surrender, the joy, occur if our calling as disciples of Christ were so static?
Romans 10 asks the question how are people to believe in Christ if they have never heard his name? And how are they to hear his name if no one goes to them where they are at and tells them? It is the feet of those who go tell them that are beautiful. Not the person sitting around at home waiting for people to come to them.
The gospel is a gift to those who choose to accept it. There is nothing we can do to deserve it, the only action we take is confessing our need for a savior and acknowledging Christ as the only one who can save us. And once saved there is nothing we can do or not do that will change God's love for us as his dearly loved children.
But the truth of the gospel should drive us to go anywhere, do anything, for the glory of God's name. The only reasonable response to the gospel in our own lives should be to go and share it with others. If we truly have the message that is the power of salvation for all who believe it, why would we ever keep it to ourselves?
I wonder why I'm here in Japan a lot. I wonder if I'm accomplishing anything with my time. I wonder why God asked me to come here and do so many things that by nature go completely against my personality.
But then I ask myself, why wouldn't I? I do believe that the message I have to share is the power of salvation for those who believe it. I believe the Japanese desperately need to hear this message and have the chance to know and be known by their Creator. John's vision in Revelation promises people from every tribe, nation, and tongue will be present in heaven praising God for all eternity. I believe that vision and I want Japan to be well represented in those multitudes.
This is why I'm in Japan. God has sent me, at least for a little while, to where the people of Tokyo are at and to be a light for him here. I fail every day but am so grateful he has allowed me to be here and to see how he is working in this beautiful country. I pray he would continue to break my heart for this place and to humbly seek to meet all of my friends where they are at.
Jesus can meet anyone anywhere and enter into their need. I want to be one who makes that first introduction. Will you join me?