"For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every
languishing soul I will replenish." Jeremiah 31:25
There are some times when a verse is absolutely spot on for the current reality of a situation. This was such a time. Jeremiah 31:25 was the heading on the program being passed out at Stint Midyear registration to all the stinters. When I read it I almost laughed because it was so right. Weary and languishing? Check and check.
Even as I laughed, I also felt relief. What a sweet promise to hold the Lord to at the midyear- he would replenish me if I was willing to let him. Going into midyear I had a lot of areas that needed a major overhaul. Our team was burnt out in ministry and in growing in relationship with each other. I was losing vision for my personal ministry and my role on the team and struggling to rebuild my relationship with the Lord. So basically every area of life was needing some attention and restoration. Thankfully God is good at the kind of thing and totally delivered.

While this year's conference felt much busier than last because of extra meetings and lack of sleep, I ultimately felt more restored by it. Every message and scripture shared was an arrow of truth and challenge straight to my heart. God knew all the areas I was struggling or lacking in and delivered his word directly to those places. He graciously satisfied my weary soul and replenished my languishing soul. As it says in Psalm 51, he was restoring to me the joy of his salvation and renewing a right spirit within me. He reminded me in Colossians 3:10 that I am a new self being renewed in knowledge after the image of my creator.
The sweetest word he gave me came from Psalm 62: 5-8 and 11-12.
David writes:
"For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
for my hope is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my salvation and my glory;
my mighty rock, my refuge is God.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us...
...Once God has spoken;
twice have I heard this:
that power belongs to God, and that to you O Lord belongs steadfast love.
Fro you will render to a man according to his work."
When I read those verses an overwhelming sense of freedom came over me. Pretty much all of my struggles this year have stemmed from not believing these verses to be true. I feel paralyzed in ministry because I don't truly believe my God is the only one powerful enough to change people's hearts. I'm fearful in taking risks in relationships because I'm not confident of the Lord's perfect, steadfast love for me. And I allowed myself to walk in the desert for over a month because I didn't believe in the Lord's abundant grace.
If it is true that "on God rests my salvation and my glory" all pressure is gone. My salvation is not dependent on things I do or don't do. My eternal glory is not based on my own actions. All of that rests on the Lord. A Lord who is powerful, perfect in justice, steadfast in love, abundant in mercy. I can trust my salvation and my glory to such a God. And while in my sin it's easy to doubt and hold back, I know the Lord is sanctifying me to truly let go and trust him fully with these things.
Now that we're back in Japan I know life won't be all rainbows and roses. Life is hard. Sin happens. People fail. I fail. But I do have a renewed sense of hope in the power and goodness of my God. I'm grateful for the chance to slow down and be reminded of that truth while in Thailand. And I'm stoked to see how that shift in perspective will lead to sweeter fellowship with him this second half of stint. Thank you for joining me for the ride!