One of my teammates edited this photo of our team, sans leaders. We've had an amazing, blessed time of briefing and bonding together as a team. Even though there are only eight of us I really feel like each of us was called to be here and has a special something to offer to our team. I'm SO excited to finally go and see what God has in store for us.
We had a special night at our last meeting where each team was commissioned and prayed over. Our team leaders washed our feet as a sign of their love for us and willingness to serve alongside with us. It was a special time of praising the amazing God who we are going out into the world to glorify. Our final team meeting was spent going over last minute logistics about our travel plans, things to expect once we get there and final guidelines. We are functioning with the buddy system, each person responsible for a "buddy" and making sure that said buddy makes it to Japan in one piece. Prayers for that would be greatly appreciated.
At the moment one person is still raising a last bit of support, but we have been so encouraged and really overwhelmed by God's faithfulness in that situation. That is one thing that has continued to blow me away during this process- that people are ready and willing to support the work we are doing. So while I am the one physically in Japan this summer I want to thank you for being the ones who got me there by God's grace. On that same note I really want to keep you all updated on every little blessing and mishap that I experience. I cannot guarantee regular updates because I'm unsure of the internet situation we will have, but I will do my best to keep all of you faithfully updated on how God is moving in Tokyo.
Before I say good night and bon voyage, I just want to say thank you again and again for all your love and support. I'm definitely overwhelmed that this is actually happening, but I am also so humbled by this opportunity to just be a laborer for the kingdom and want to thank you for your part in bringing me to this point. God has truly built up a community of believers around me and I would not be able to do this without your prayers. So, for that I thank you.
A verse the Lord really spoke to me through in quiet time yesterday was Hebrews 10:23. I just want to leave you with these words: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
Thanks be to God for his great faithfulness!
Good night
p.s. sorry the picture is blurry. I'll have better pictures later
ReplyDeleteI love that picture! The preview looks blurry, but if you click on it, the fullsize is just fine. Briefing sounds amazing, I can't wait for ours! I agree on the support thing, although it is a very awkward-feeling process, I am constantly amazed when I see God work in that area. Great verse as well!