I have realized this week just how difficult it is to pack for a year abroad. I've lived my life in little places- shared a bedroom with my brothers for 5 years, lived in a sardine can of a dorm room for two years at UCLA, etc. A 250 square foot apartment in Japan poses a similar challenge. And since I will be dwelling in what Yahoo News (reliable source) deems the most expensive place to live in the world, it is hard to justify just buying everything over there at twice the cost.
All that being said, I'm learning how much I think I "need" certain things. How will I ever survive in Japan without blank?! I say to myself. What if I need blank and don't have it?! The world would end I'm sure.
Yea, probably not, you're saying to yourself. She's exaggerating as usual. You're right.
And yet again God is opening my eyes to idols I have, even such silly, benign ones as the desire to be prepared. When I try to pack everything and the kitchen sink in order to be prepared for every situation Japan can hit me with I'm taking away the freedom for God to provide for me. In Luke 9 Christ sent out the twelve with literally the clothes on their back. No clean underwear, no umbrella, not even a walking stick! Talk about traveling light.
Christ understood what a powerful distraction things could be from the work of the kingdom. By sending the twelve out with nothing he opened up the opportunity for their Heavenly Father to provide for their every need. It was a lesson in relying on God rather than their own human strength.
And later in Luke 9 Christ again addresses this idea of sacrificing comfort and possessions for his sake. The Son of Man had no place to lay his head. Those who follow him will be the same. Anyone who looks back before following Christ is not fit for service in God's kingdom. It's pretty intense stuff. And I've been wondering a lot why I was chosen. I'm scared to leave my home, my family, everything that is familiar and loved by me. And I'm definitely not going to Tokyo with just the clothes on my back. Let's just say the overweight luggage charge is going to be very happy to see me at the airport.
Anyways, I'm trusting God when he says he will be enough, he will provide, he will fill my every need whatever it may be. I believe the work I will be doing in Japan is worth the sacrifice and fear and unknown I'm currently facing. Eternity is a long time and I want my blink of an eye here on earth to be worth something in the long run. God-willing this year will be a step in the right direction, the narrow path towards Christ in all his glory.
With that all I can say is I'm a new fan of vaccuum-seal bags. They work wonders!
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