Wednesday, April 24, 2013


April 23rd was Cru's International Day of Prayer- like IHOP, but a little different  (^_^). Around the world, Cru staff gathered to pray for the needs of different ministries and people groups and praise God for all he is doing around the world.

My STINT team met with the SI Tokyo staff for a day of praying for the nations, for Japan, for Tokyo, and for each other. It was a really sweet time in the Lord's presence. To literally pray our way around the world and across the nation of Japan was a humbling experience. I was reminded of how important it is to make time in our busy lives to step back and remember our brothers and sisters living faithfully for the Lord in every culture and within every people group. Also, how important it is to lift up those who are still walking in darkness, praying for the Lord's mercy and grace to be revealed to them.

As believers we are called to pray. Called, but also given the privilege and honor of communicating with the God of the Universe in such an intimate way. When life gets crazy I often forget what a gift it is, how crucial it is to the success of ministry and the christian life. It was a gift to have a day to remember the power of prayer in fulfilling the Great Commission.

I'm confident the Lord heard all the prayers lifted up by his children yesterday. And the cool thing is, we don't need another IDOP in order to come into his presence again. He is always there, always listening when we lift our eyes and bare our souls to him.

As Isaiah says in chapter 37 verse 4, "it may be...therefore pray." We need no greater reason than this to come before the Lord. Let us be people who faithfully take advantage of this gift!

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