Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Quality not Quantity

"Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;
 a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
Luke 12:15
I've been reading through the Gospels sort of as a re-introduction to Jesus and have been continually convicted by his teachings. It's always good to just go back to the basics.
The second part of this line really hit me today. A man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. I don't know why this verse in particular spoke to me. Maybe it's because I'm starting to think about packing up my life here and returning home for the summer. Whatever the case, it gave me pause to think about how I'm measuring the quality of my life. Do I put more value in looking nice when I go out with friends or in the friends with whom I go out? Do I value having a nice-looking apartment or using said apartment as a way to bless others, nice or not?
I guess it all goes back to where I'm storing my treasure. Am I storing my treasures in things here on earth- possessions, stuff, junk that collects dust, falls apart, and goes out of style? Or am I keeping my eyes on Jesus and storing up treasure in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy? I'm praying that the Lord would break me of my attachment to things on this earth and grow my desire for bringing him glory through heavenly treasures. I want the possessions I do have to be wholly for his purposes. They are just things, but if I have the right mindset, they can be tools for the kingdom, ways to bless other people with the love of Christ.
The awesome thing is, our lives can consist of more than just the abundance of our possessions because of what Christ did on the cross. Because he sacrificed himself for our sins and because he rose from the dead on the third day, we can have eternal worth that no amount of worldly possessions could compete with. That is incredible truth right there!

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