I'm back in America, surprise! I arrived back home June 8th and after a week of vegging I'm now getting to work on re-raising support so I can return to Tokyo in September. I'm still waking up around 3am every night (my body is still convinced it's dinner time in Tokyo, but alas) but otherwise feel pretty well adjusted. Reverse culture shock hasn't been too bad, although I have only been out of my house a few times so far.
As I think back on this year and all that happened it boggles my mind. The Lord showed himself faithful to me and my team every hour of every day. The fact that he brought us together, chose us to be his laborers in Japan, allowed us to see how he is changing hearts and lives for eternity, used us to share the good news of Christ with students, is so humbling. I can honestly say I never thought this would be my life. I could never have imagined living in such an amazingly difficult, yet rewarding and joy-filled way. What a blessing to be able to seek after Jesus and be shaped and sanctified by him.
My last few weeks in country and my first few days back home I've been reading the book of Acts. Its story of the early church has been a neat juxtaposition with my own experiences in Japan. The highs and lows of ministry and challenge of presenting the gospel to people who are hearing it for the first time that are depicted in Acts are very relevant to my personal ministry this last year.
A few verses that stuck out to me:
"I now realized how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right." 10:34-35
"From Attalia they sailed back to Antioch, where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work they had now completed." 14:26
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." 20:24
I love the truths communicated through these three verses. God desires his children from every nation to be reconciled to him. We can trust the Lord with our ministry and our labors, he will redeem all the time we spend in his service. And finally, serving the Lord gives our lives meaning; we were created for his enjoyment and to bring him glory.
The church in Acts grows like a weed thanks to the faithful labors of people like Paul, Silas, and Timothy. The prayer of my heart is that the church in Japan might reach a point of that same sort of growth through the Spirit's moving and believers' continued perseverance in loving as Christ loves. In Acts 1:8, we are called to be the Lord's witnesses "to the ends of the earth," for me, that end is Japan. I'm grateful the Lord let me return once and that he has promised to let me return again. To him be all glory and honor.
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