Initially that date was a scary and uncertain marker that would seemingly determine if I got to stay in Japan...not exactly an uplifting or hopeful situation. After that deadline was set I found myself crying out to the Lord in fear, anxiety, even anger at the thought of not being allowed to remain in the place I loved so much.
In his infinite patience and grace, he reminded me of Job's words in chapter one of his book- "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:21). Wow.
That really broke me.
How much has the Lord given me? Life, family who follows Him, friends who love me and pray for me, health, shelter, education, the ability to see and delight in the world around me...the list goes on. All of this was given to me by my loving Heavenly Father. And he can just as easily take it all away, he has every right to take this sinful life away, to put me somewhere other than Japan. Whatever might happen, whether he give or take away, I need to learn to say wholeheartedly "blessed be the name of the Lord."
Praising his name and seeing his glory proclaimed among the nations should not be dependent on whether I feel he has given me enough. It should only be dependent on the fact that he is the Lord, he is God of the universe, he alone is worthy of our thanksgiving and praise.
September 27th will come and my teammates will come with it. God has given me another year to serve him in Japan. He could just as easily have taken that away, but my heart's desire is that either way I would be able to bless his name.
Whatever comes in whatever amount of time he sees fit to give me on this earth, I pray I will spend every moment I can blessing his name.
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
I am so excited!