Thursday, November 21, 2013

Leaves and the Glory of God

This weekend my team and I got away from the concrete jungle to a couple hours outside of Tokyo, Okutama. It was a time to plan out our ministry strategy for the remainder of the semester and also to just be together as a team away from the craziness of our daily work.

Last year we also stayed in Okutama so I really looked forward to being back. In the fall it is a truly glorious place. The sharpness of the air, the brilliant flame colours of the leaves and the clarity of the river are refreshing to every part of me. I wouldn't say I'm a "country girl" at heart, but being surrounded by God's creation always brings rest to my soul and my eyes drank in the beauty after being parched among the skyscrapers and concrete.

I was encouraged by our planning time together as a team and the fun we were able to have together. Though we are all introverted, I do believe we are moving towards each other and I'm grateful for how God formed our team to work and live together well.

Here are some shots from our time. While photos will never be able to capture the magnificence of God's creation, take a moment to appreciate these shadows of the real thing. Enjoy God's creativity and let it point you towards him in awe and worship.

The heavens, and leaves, really do declare the glory of the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. colours ;)
    okutama is a really wonderful place to be in the fall and summer!
