Friday, December 27, 2013

Names of Jesus + Christmas snapshots

This year for Christmas I put together a "Names of Jesus" advent the 25 days up to Christmas. It was such a crazy month I was grateful for the built in moments of stillness to reflect on the true meaning of the season. What follows are a few of the thoughts I jotted down as I studied through the different roles of Christ. I hope they encourage you and allow you to soak in the goodness of our Jesus.

the Son- How sweet that I am now an heir to the kingdom of heaven because I have been adopted into God's family through Christ's work on the cross. He is the Son so now I can be a daughter.

Savior- While we throw this word around a lot now, only Jesus fulfills its complete meaning. He has saved us from ourselves and the sin that corrupts and condemns our souls. He is my Savior dying for me personally, but he is also Savior for the world, the nations, all peoples past and present.

the Word- It speaks to his presence before the creation of time, that he was with God and was God when creation was spoken into being. Also words carry meaning and purpose in what they convey and the message proclaimed by the name Jesus is the greatest, most transformative. It is life-giving truth and no word but the Word could deliver that.

Immanuel- God with us. It sounds so nonchalant but when you consider the implications it is absolutely miraculous. God, holy, perfect, awesome, descending to be among us, the lowly, sinful, broken and weak. Jesus chose that. And since coming down he has never left us because even after his ascension he left us with the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.

Prince of Peace- With the violence and chaos that consumes our earth this title is a breath of fresh, hopeful air. We can look forward to the day our Prince returns and restores peace to all creation for all eternity. What a hope!

Good Shepherd- I like this one because it reminds me I'm a sheep- stupid, helpless, needy. Though I offer nothing by my existence Jesus my good shepherd died to protect me. A true shepherd, he put the well-being of me and the whole "flock" of humanity above his own, even to the point of death. A shepherd who would do that can be trusted in all situations to meet all my needs.

Servant- Boy this title is convicting. Though I consider myself pretty "servant-hearted," compared to the servant Jesus in Philippians 2 I'm pretty miserable. I am usually motivated by recognition and reputation, serving when it is convenient. Not so with Christ. Though God he made himself nothing in the eyes of God and man. But, because he was willing he is exalted to the highest place and at his name every knee will bow and every tongue confess him as Lord. So worth it. Help me remember being your servant in this life is totally worth it.

Bread of Life- I'm feeling particularly grateful for Jesus the "sustainer" this year. The words he spoke and the deeds he did can sustain and strengthen those who dwell on them. As manna from heaven was given to the Israelites in the desert, so Jesus gave himself to us in our desert of sin to bring us life again.

Merry Christmas to all.

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